At Carolinas Centers for Oral & Facial Surgery, we specialize in replacing missing or damaged teeth with full-arch restoration to reclaim your smile. Whether your teeth are gone due to gum disease, tooth decay, or oral injury, this tooth replacement option can help, and we can help optimize your teeth with natural-looking dental implants. Learn more about our full-arch restoration, and contact us in northwest Charlotte if you have questions.

We have 2 additional locations in Charlotte

Visit the location that is most convenient for you!

Charlotte – Blakeney

8840 Blakeney Professional Dr, Ste 300

Charlotte, NC 28277

Charlotte – Billingsley

411 Billingsley Rd, Ste 105

Charlotte, NC 28211

Benefits of Full-Arch Restoration

When you choose to restore your smile completely through full-arch restoration, you get to experience the same health benefits as dental implants while achieving a brand new smile.

  • Dental implant posts fuse to the jaw bone, which prevents the jaw from deteriorating over time. Removable dentures and bridges do not protect jaw bone health in this way.
  • This procedure is completed in a single day, allowing you to leave our office with a new smile.
  • Eat and speak with confidence. There are no moving parts and your fixed prosthesis remains in your mouth at all times, even while eating.
  • The prosthesis is designed to be a long-term solution and can last a lifetime with proper care.

The Full-Arch Restoration Procedure

Envision Dental Implant Centers is equipped with state-of-the-art 3D imaging technology. This allows our surgeons to view detailed digital scans of your mouth and face to create a highly accurate and effective treatment plan with no surprises. Oral surgeons are trained to administer all forms of anesthesia and sedation. Many patients choose IV sedation for full-arch restoration, but we will help you choose the right option for your procedure.

You will attend a consultation appointment first, where our prosthodontists and oral surgeons will work together to design your restorative treatment plan. Prosthodontists specialize in tooth replacement and will play a key role in creating your permanent prosthesis.

During the procedure, your oral surgeon will extract any remaining teeth in the dental arch. Then, they will insert as few as four dental implant posts and secure a temporary prosthesis in place. Over time, the posts will fuse to your jaw bone, and the permanent prosthesis will be placed at this time.

There are three main choices for anesthesia

Local Anesthesia

Local anesthesia provides numbness directly where it is administered. It does not affect consciousness, so the patient remains awake while the feelings of discomfort are eliminated. Local anesthesia is commonly used for minor procedures.

Nitrous Oxide

Also known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is a mild sedative that the patient inhales to alleviate feelings of anxiety. It does not cause the patient to lose consciousness. It is often used together with local anesthesia.

IV Sedation

IV sedation is commonly used for moderate to extensive oral or facial surgery procedures. This type of sedation is administered directly into the patient’s vein. Since amnesia (forgetfulness) is a common side effect of the medication, most patients who use IV sedation do not remember their procedure.

Why Should I Fix Missing Teeth?

Untreated tooth loss or decay can lead to many oral health issues. Without a root or dental implant post to stimulate the jaw bone, the bone will deteriorate over time in the areas where teeth are missing. Serious bone loss may require costly and complex bone repair surgery in the future.

Removable dentures and bridges sit on top of the bony ridge in the mouth and do not stimulate the jaw. They must also be replaced every few years, and many patients find their maintenance cumbersome. Fixed dentures through full-arch restoration remain a permanent part of your smile and do not need to be removed during eating or brushing. When you restore your smile using dental implants, you are taking positive steps toward restoring and protecting your oral health.

We’re Here For You

Are you interested in learning how we can help transform your smile with full-arch restoration surgery? Schedule a consultation today with one of our oral and maxillofacial surgeons in northwest Charlotte at (704) 547-0837. We are here to answer any questions and help you better understand this procedure, its benefits, and what you can expect afterward.