Dr. Hunter Dawson earned his undergraduate degree at NC State University and attended the University of Louisville School of Dentistry (ULSD) to complete his DMD. He also completed his Advanced Education Program in Prosthodontics at ULSD and his Master's of Science in Dentistry (MSD).
He has published multiple articles in the areas of novel restorative materials using digital workflows utilizing guided implant surgery. He is also a contributor to Spear Digest for Dental Implant topics. Some of the most complex oral health situations are referred to Dr. Dawson for reconstructive dental treatment.
Dr. Dawson lectures internationally on Comprehensive Diagnosis and Treatment Planning, Digital Implant Workflows, Advances in Digital Dentistry, and Full Arch Reconstruction. He lectures for various local and state organizations in addition to consultant education within the dental implant industry.
Certifications & Professional Associations
- Adjunct Assistant Professor—UNC Chapel Hill School of Dentistry
- President of NC Section of American College of Prosthodontists (ACP)
- Academy of Osseointegration
- International Team for Implantology
- North Carolina Dental Society
- Southeastern Academy of Prosthodontists
- SPEAR Educator
- BS in Biology—North Carolina State University
- Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD)—University of Louisville School of Dentistry
- Advanced Education Residency in Prosthodontics—University of Louisville
Patient Testimonials
Personal Interests
Dr. Dawson and his family call Charlotte, NC home. When Dr. Dawson is not practicing dentistry or providing dental education, you will find him traveling throughout NC spending time with family.