Your Comfort Matters

If you feel anxious or worried about a surgical procedure in Gastonia, North Carolina, trust that the highly-trained and experienced surgeons at Carolinas Centers for Oral & Facial Surgery put your comfort first. We provide three different types of anesthesia—local anesthesia, nitrous oxide, and IV sedation—to minimize discomfort, calm your nerves, and even give you a restorative sleep while we move through your procedure. Learn more about each anesthesia option, and contact us if you have any questions.

There are three main choices for anesthesia

Local Anesthesia

Local anesthesia provides numbness directly where it is administered. It does not affect consciousness, so the patient remains awake while the feelings of discomfort are eliminated. Local anesthesia is commonly used for minor procedures.

Nitrous Oxide

Also known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is a mild sedative that the patient inhales to alleviate feelings of anxiety. It does not cause the patient to lose consciousness. It is often used together with local anesthesia.

IV Sedation

IV sedation is commonly used for moderate to extensive oral or facial surgery procedures. This type of sedation is administered directly into the patient’s vein. Since amnesia (forgetfulness) is a common side effect of the medication, most patients who use IV sedation do not remember their procedure.

Learn More About Anesthesia

Our experienced team of oral and maxillofacial surgeons can help you determine which type of anesthesia is right for you and your unique surgical procedure. For more information on our anesthesia choices, we encourage you to contact our doctors at (704) 820-1195. We look forward to answering your questions and putting your mind at ease.