Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery Timeline

June 3rd, 2024

Most people get their wisdom teeth at some point during their late teens or early twenties. The problem is that wisdom teeth emerge when the mouth is already fairly crowded, leaving insufficient space for the teeth to erupt as normal. As such, the wisdom teeth are often impacted or otherwise erupt at an unusual angle.

When left in place, wisdom teeth can result in many long-term health concerns. To avoid these concerns, dental professionals recommend proactively removing your wisdom teeth. This is a safe, routine oral surgery procedure and an important investment in your long-term oral health. Following any oral surgery, some recovery time is bound to be required. Here is an overview of what you can expect from your wisdom teeth recovery process.

Wisdom Teeth Recovery Timeline

The First 24 Hours

For the first day of your recovery, you may still be groggy from anesthesia, making it important to just rest and relax at home. Also, make sure you have someone to drive you home. Some tenderness and bleeding are to be expected, and you will need to change your bandaging frequently.

While you can anticipate some discomfort, over-the-counter remedies like Ibuprofen are usually more than sufficient for alleviating these unwanted effects.

You will need to stick to liquids and soft foods that do not require any chewing, like yogurt and broth. Avoid drinking from a straw, too, as this can cause the blood clot in your mouth to dislodge.

Days 2 and 3

Swelling and tenderness tend to peak during the first 48 to 72 hours. By the third day, you will probably feel fairly normal and may even be ready to return to work or school. You can also start gradually shifting toward some slightly more complex foods, like mashed bananas, cottage cheese, rice, flakey fish, and soft bread.

The First Week

By the end of your first week, you should no longer be experiencing any significant discomfort, swelling, or bleeding. If you are, call and notify your oral surgeon. You may also feel ready to resume your normal diet by the end of the first week.

The First Month

Once you get to the end of the first month, your symptoms should all be gone, and you should be eating just like normal again. Additionally, you should feel ready to resume daily workouts and other strenuous activities.

Ensure a Smooth Recovery from Wisdom Teeth Removal

Before you are discharged from your procedure, you will receive post-op instructions, guiding you through topics like aftercare and diet. Adherence to these instructions is crucial for ensuring a smooth, expedient recovery.

If you have any additional questions, feel free to ask during your initial consultation, during which you will learn more about the wisdom teeth removal process. To schedule a consultation for wisdom teeth removal, contact Carolinas Center for Oral & Facial Surgery at your convenience.
