Sleeping Tips After Otoplasty

May 26th, 2024

When your ears are malformed, it can cause you to feel self-conscious. Otoplasty is a cosmetic ear surgery that can correct aesthetic issues and bring your ears into proportion with the rest of your facial features.

After your otoplasty procedure, following your surgeon’s instructions is crucial for optimal results. This includes finding the best position for sleeping after otoplasty – it’s important to find a comfortable place that does not compromise your results.

How to Sleep Following Otoplasty

As a rule of thumb, we recommend sleeping on your back for the first couple of weeks following your surgery. This can prevent any undue discomfort and avert any infection or irritation of the surgical site. 

Alternatively, if you find a hard time sleeping on your back, consider wrapping your ears in a headband, providing yourself with an extra level of protection.

Other Tips for Otoplasty Recovery

In addition to sleeping on your back or keeping your ears covered, here are a few additional suggestions for a safe and expedient otoplasty recovery.

  • Keep your head elevated as much as you can. Over the first couple of weeks, use pillows to elevate your head whenever you can. This helps reduce your swelling and can diminish your risk of extra redness or irritation.
  • Make sure your head is cool and dry. While your ears are bandaged, you will need to keep your entire head cool and dry. This might mean using extra caution when in the shower and avoiding blow dryers, curling irons, or other heat-based hair appliances.
  • Take your medications. Before surgery, your surgeon may prescribe medications to minimize pain and swelling. Additionally, you may need antibiotics to help you stave off infection. Make sure you take the medications provided, as directed by your surgeon. Reach out with any questions or concerns.
  • Exercise sound nutrition. Eating right is key to expediting your recovery and ensuring your body has sufficient strength. Skip junk food for more nourishing proteins, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Note that, for the first couple of days. Be ready with protein shakes, broths, and other liquids and soft foods.

Avoid rubbing and touching your ears. In addition, try to wear loose-fitting clothing that you can easily remove without agitating your head or ears.

Question About Otoplasty Recovery?

Following the right aftercare instructions can maximize your chances of a successful otoplasty recovery. Learn more about otoplasty benefits, surgery, and results from Carolinas Center.
