Wisdom teeth, also known as your third molars, typically appear between the ages of 16 and 25 and are the last teeth to develop and appear in your mouth. While it is possible to experience no issues with these molars, most people will suffer from related complications. Problems mostly occur when a wisdom tooth becomes impacted, meaning that it is unable to emerge and is either fully or partially covered by the gum tissue or bone.
To fully understand the benefits of wisdom teeth removal, it helps to first understand the problems they can cause. Wisdom teeth that are painless and seemingly unobtrusive are easy to ignore, but even asymptomatic molars can wreak havoc on your gums and lead to periodontal disease. The following side effects are just a few of the common complications associated with impacted teeth.
- Pain in the jaw
- Swelling in the jaw
- Inflamed and irritated gums
- Bleeding gums
- Foul-smelling breath
- Damage to surrounding structures
- Loss of gums and/or bone
In addition to the complication above, impacted wisdom teeth can lead to more serious problems and diseases. While there are many arguments for the benefits of wisdom tooth extraction, here are the top five reasons to help you make an informed decision.
1. Inflammation and infection
Due to a combination of limited space and partial impactions, wisdom teeth often lead to gum inflammation. This can lead to painful gum disease or other health hazards, including diabetes, heart disease, and kidney disease linked to bacteria. Recent studies show that once inflammation sets in, it’s very difficult to alleviate it. Often, it spreads to surrounding areas. When a tooth is partially impacted, the separation between the tooth and the gums creates a breeding ground for bacteria, which dramatically increases the risk of infection and decay.
2. Overcrowding
When wisdom teeth erupt, they try to enter an already crowded area. With little room to move into, neighboring teeth are often pushed aside. The result is misalignment. Whether your beautiful smile is thanks to braces or genetics, wisdom teeth can undo a straight smile and completely unravel years of dental work.
3. Damage to nearby teeth
While overcrowding is likely, wisdom teeth can do more to their neighbors than simply invade their space. In fact, they can damage the adjacent second molars and neighboring nerves and contribute to bone loss and cavities.
4. Cysts or tumors
When the lining surrounding an impacted tooth becomes filled with fluid, a cyst or tiny tumor may grow around the impacted wisdom tooth in the jawbone. These cysts or benign growths can lead to joint pain that would require the assistance of a TMJ specialist and a variety of TMJ treatment options that you would rather avoid.
5. Difficult to keep clean
Even if you experience no pain or obvious complications with the arrival of your wisdom teeth, your dental hygiene may still be at risk. Due to their location in the back of the mouth, where space is at a minimum, it can be difficult to properly brush and floss around a wisdom tooth. Limited space and their hard-to-reach location make these teeth prime targets for cavities and plaque buildup.
While many individuals accommodate wisdom teeth with no discomfort or issues, others experience complications that intensify with age. Oftentimes, the removal and healing process is much quicker if you remove your wisdom teeth before they cause concerns. Without wisdom tooth extraction, you may experience recurrent infections and pain that require extensive treatment options, medications, and more. For peace of mind, speaking with your primary dental practitioner or an oral and maxillofacial surgeon can address any concerns you may have.
If you’re looking for a wisdom teeth specialist with deep experience and board-certification to provide outstanding care to you or your loved ones, contact Carolinas Center For Oral & Facial Surgery today to assess your unique situation. Most routine wisdom tooth extractions can be done quickly in our office with minimal or no discomfort to you. With 23 locations throughout North and South Carolina including multiple offices in Charlotte, Raleigh, Greenville, Columbia and more, our team of doctors will make your comfort and oral health their top priority.
Wisdom teeth contain many valuable stem cells that can be stored after extraction. If you experience illness or injury in the future, your stem cells can be shipped to your care provider for potential use in regenerative medicine and therapies. Our practice is enrolled with Stemodontics®, a leading stem cell banking service. Learn more about stem cells and how we make it possible for patients to invest in their future health.