Sleep apnea is a serious disorder that occurs when the muscles in your throat relax, and your tongue falls back, closing off the airways while you sleep and reducing the amount of oxygen your body receives. This can cause a wide range of symptoms, including extreme fatigue, memory issues, drowsiness, and even depression. If these sound familiar to you, we encourage you to contact the doctors at Carolinas Centers for Oral & Facial Surgery for effective sleep apnea treatment in Rock Hill, South Carolina.

Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a common disorder characterized by abnormal reductions in breathing while the individual is asleep. However, while studies estimate that around 30 million Americans have sleep apnea, only approximately 6 million have been diagnosed. This is because sleep apnea can be hard to distinguish, especially if you are unaware of your nighttime symptoms. 

If you think you have sleep apnea, keep an eye out for these warning signs and symptoms: 

  • Excessive fatigue and daytime drowsiness
  • Gasping for air during sleep
  • Waking up with a choking sensation
  • Loud snoring 
  • Persistent headaches that last for hours after waking up
  • Awakening with a dry mouth
  • Difficulty staying asleep
  • Irritability or frustration
  • Reduced focus 

The most affirmative symptom of sleep apnea is experiencing episodes where you stop breathing during sleep. 

If these symptoms sound familiar to you, we recommend you seek sleep apnea treatment from an experienced doctor as soon as possible. With the right treatment plan, a good night’s sleep is possible. 

Treatment Options for Sleep Apnea

The first step towards sleep apnea treatment is recognizing your symptoms and visiting an oral and maxillofacial surgeon for a comprehensive evaluation. Once we confirm this condition, we can build you a customized sleep apnea treatment plan that may include lifestyle changes, a PAP (positive airway pressure) machine, oral appliances, and surgery. 

Lifestyle changes may include losing weight, regular exercise, avoiding alcohol and drugs, sleeping on your side, avoiding certain sleep pills, quitting all forms of nicotine, and avoiding certain medications. 

Oral appliances help to reposition the jaws and stabilize the tongue to keep the airway open during sleep. You might need to try different devices before finding one that works for you. Once you find the right fit, follow-up appointments with your doctor are recommended during the first year and then regularly after that to ensure that the fit is still ideal. 

If all other non-invasive treatment methods have failed, surgery may be your next treatment option for sleep apnea. Depending on your individual circumstances, your doctor may recommend tissue removal, jaw repositioning, dental implants, removing the tonsils, maxillomandibular advancement surgery, or anterior inferior mandibular osteotomy.

There are three main choices for anesthesia

Local Anesthesia

Local anesthesia provides numbness directly where it is administered. It does not affect consciousness, so the patient remains awake while the feelings of discomfort are eliminated. Local anesthesia is commonly used for minor procedures.

Nitrous Oxide

Also known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is a mild sedative that the patient inhales to alleviate feelings of anxiety. It does not cause the patient to lose consciousness. It is often used together with local anesthesia.

IV Sedation

IV sedation is commonly used for moderate to extensive oral or facial surgery procedures. This type of sedation is administered directly into the patient’s vein. Since amnesia (forgetfulness) is a common side effect of the medication, most patients who use IV sedation do not remember their procedure.

You’re in Good Hands With Our Doctors

Ready to explore your sleep apnea treatment options in Rock Hill, South Carolina? Contact us at doctors at Carolinas Centers for Oral & Facial Surgery at (803) 207-8318 and schedule a consultation to receive a customized sleep apnea treatment plan. Let’s work together to improve your health, happiness, and overall wellness.