Laser skin resurfacing is a safe, non-invasive treatment that provides you with younger, healthier-looking skin. This method of skin resurfacing uses a precise laser to heat the underlying skin, which removes damaged skin and stimulates the growth of new collagen fibers.

Many people are candidates for laser skin resurfacing. Laser skin resurfacing can help:

  • Fine lines
  • Wrinkles
  • Acne scars
  • Liver spots
  • Sun-damaged areas
  • Birthmarks
  • Warts
  • Large oil glands on the nose

We perform this treatment in the comfort of our office in Charlotte, NC, where you can expect a welcoming atmosphere and care from a highly qualified cosmetic team. Contact us today for an appointment with our specialists. 

Benefits of Laser Skin Resurfacing

When performed by a cosmetic specialist, this safe and effective treatment will leave you glowing with a brighter complexion. Other benefits:

  • Improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around your eyes, forehead, and mouth
  • Reduce the appearance of acne scars, aged, or sun-damaged skin
  • Balance your complexion if you have yellowish or gray-looking skin tone
  • Treat large oil glands on the nose by making them smaller
  • Due to the amount of precision involved, there are fewer problems with hypopigmentation (lightening of the skin) following treatment
  • This is an outpatient procedure with little downtime
  • Repeat treatment as needed every 4–6 weeks 

How Does Laser Skin Resurfacing Work?

Laser skin resurfacing works by using a precise laser to remove the outer layer of skin while simultaneously heating the underlying layers of skin. These actions combined stimulate the growth of new collagen fibers. The new skin that forms on the treated area is smoother, firmer, and healthier.

There are two types of lasers: carbon dioxide (CO2) lasers and erbium lasers, both of which are used for ablative laser resurfacing. CO2 lasers use short, pulsed light energy to improve deeper skin flaws. An erbium laser promotes collagen remodeling and is ideal for superficial lines and wrinkles.

When you visit Carolinas Center for Cosmetic Surgery in Charlotte, NC, our team will evaluate your skin type and areas you would like to improve. We offer a variety of services. If laser skin resurfacing is right for you, we will outline every step of your treatment ahead of time.

Before your treatment, we may start you on a series of skincare treatments to achieve optimal results. We will numb the skin with local anesthetics or numbing cream for maximum comfort. As an oral surgeon, Dr. Mohamed is qualified to administer all forms of anesthesia, and we gladly offer all types so you can feel comfortable and confident during your treatment.

Your specialist will use the laser on the target areas. One treatment takes about 45 minutes, while a full face treatment may take a couple of hours. We will apply ointment to soothe the skin, bandage the areas, and instruct you on how to keep your skin clean and cared for while it heals.

About one week after treatment, the skin will start to peel. This is the damaged skin falling off so that healthy, new skin can grow in its place. Depending on the area treated, the full length of healing can be anywhere between 10 and 21 days. Many people see results after just one session, but you can repeat treatment as often as every 4–6 weeks, depending on your skin type and condition. We recommend a follow-up session about a year and a half after your first treatment.

The Difference Between Laser Skin Resurfacing and Laser Skin Tightening

Both of these non-surgical procedures aim to leave you with younger, smoother-looking skin through the use of lasers and heat. However, they are different and will yield different cosmetic results.

Laser skin resurfacing uses lasers to remove the top layer of skin, revealing the healthier skin underneath. Laser skin tightening does not involve removing layers of skin, but uses a laser to heat beneath the skin’s surface. This stimulates collagen production and quality, making the skin look and feel tighter. Skin tightening can be performed on all areas of the face and body, while skin resurfacing is more suited for the face and hands.

Both of these treatments can improve the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. However, if you are looking to treat deeper wrinkles, scarring, sun spots, liver spots, or discoloration, laser skin resurfacing is the right treatment to consider. Our specialists will walk you through your treatment options and help select the right cosmetic service for your needs. At Carolinas Center for Cosmetic Surgery, you are always in excellent hands.

Frequently Asked Questions

This treatment may not be right for people with active acne, excessive or sagging skin, or very dark skin. Darker skin tones have a greater risk of healing with darker pigment, resulting in an uneven skin tone. Be sure to tell your specialist if you are prone to cold sores or fever blisters. If you are prone to these conditions, we may prescribe an antibiotic beforehand to prevent bacterial infections and antiviral medication to prevent breakouts.

Numbing cream and anesthesia provides comfort during treatment. Most people claim that treatment feels like a mild sunburn. You can expect some redness and swelling following your session, but this will subside as your skin heals.

Be open and honest with your specialist about your skin conditions, as these can affect the recovery process and your results. Redness, swelling, and itching of the skin are common following treatment. We provide detailed instructions that explain how to care for your skin and keep it clean. By following these closely, you ensure fantastic results and will feel confident on your road to smoother skin.