If you often dream of having naturally long, thick, and full lashes, it may be time to consider LATISSE®. It is a remarkably effective prescription treatment that stimulates the growth of your natural lashes. 

With the help of LATISSE, you can transform your appearance with beautifully long and luscious eyelashes in as little as sixteen weeks. 

How LATISSE Works 

LATISSE is a safe, effective, FDA-approved treatment that has helped many people improve eyelash length and fullness. It contains a unique lipid compound called bimatoprost. When applied to the eyelashes, this compound promotes a longer growth period for the lashes and encourages hair growth. The result is naturally long and thick eyelashes that beautifully enhance your features.

Benefits of LATISSE for Eyelash Growth

There are many benefits to choosing LATISSE for your natural eyelash growth. These benefits include: 

  • No downtime or recovery period is necessary with this treatment. Simply apply the solution at night and experience longer, thicker lashes in about four weeks after regular application.
  • You can discontinue the application at any time, and your eyelashes will eventually return to their previous state.
  • This treatment is non-invasive, and no needles, injections, incisions, or surgeries are needed to achieve results.
  • Typically, anyone can use LATISSE, even those who wear contacts.
  • LATISSE may result in so much additional growth and fullness that you no longer need or want to wear mascara to enhance your lashes. 
  • Save money by removing the need to buy lash extensions and excessive amounts of mascara. 
  • Boost your self-esteem and feel more confident about your eyes and lashes.

Steps of LATISSE Treatment

Prior to your treatment, you will meet with our cosmetic specialists for a consultation. LATISSE is only available with a prescription, which you can receive from our practice in Charlotte, North Carolina, once Dr. Mohamed determines that this treatment is right for you. 

People who undergo LATISSE treatment often repeat their treatment to achieve optimal, long-lasting results. To maintain your results, you will need to invest time and dedication into your eyelash treatment, as your lashes will eventually return to their previous state if you stop using LATISSE. 

At your appointment, your specialist will demonstrate how to apply the solution to your upper eyelashes at night. You use a sterile applicator to apply LATISSE to the upper lash line and the applicator to administer the solution at the base of the upper lashes, the part of the upper eyelid where the lashes meet the skin. Be careful to avoid contact with your eyeballs.

You will notice a difference in your eyelash growth after about four weeks of using LATISSE, with full results appearing after sixteen weeks. Talk to your specialist about how often you can repeat treatment to experience beautiful, long-lasting results. 

We Are Here for You

Take the next steps towards fuller, longer lashes and contact our practice in Charlotte, North Carolina, to schedule an appointment with our caring and compassionate team today at (980) 247-2927. We look forward to helping you feel more confident with long, luscious lashes!